Informal office building
Qualm is a contracting firm for earthwork, road- and waterworks. They operate throughout the harbor of Rotterdam and it is a family business that went from father to son. When the company expanded, the client decided not to move to a new location, but to build a new office building on the same grounds. During the construction all personnel was moved to a temporary office on the site. That turned out to be a good decision. Just a glance out of the window was enough to stay updated on the progress and the entire Qualm company became affected by the project.
The building stands on the site where the company Qualm has long been established, in an industrial business park of the 1960s. The building fits in this robust context with a modestly designed façade. Behind the aluminum paneling an inventive, sustainable VRF air conditioning system is hidden. All piping and equipment are incorporated in the parapet, leaving no need for suspended ceilings in the offices.