Aug 2022

Ministry of make

In the summer of 2022, the new inter-ministerial Ministry of Make called on a hundred designers and experts to use their collective knowledge and imagination to come up with new designs for the demand for 1,000,000 homes in the period up to 2030. With our design research "Into the woods y'all" we want to contribute to the radical transformation of the Dutch landscape and offer concrete solutions for the housing shortage and the consequences of climate change.

A national plan map with local design power

The ministry has issued a concrete assignment for 100 designers to conduct design research on the development of 10,000 climate-proof homes within a 2 x 2 km deisgnated area. The designers and specialists received a Test Kit containing everything they needed. The hundred designed test kits were collected and together they formed the largest scale model in the Netherlands at 1:2000 scale.

Ministry of Make
Opening copy

We chose the location near Wapse in Drenthe, right next to the Natura 2000 area Het Drents-Friese Wold. It is an area that now consists of 90% pasture, and which has been designated as a transition area on the maligned nitrogen map of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture. This means that intensive livestock farming will have to disappear from the area in order to limit the precipitation of nitrogen in the vulnerable nature reserve.

Throughout the Netherlands, more than 800,000 ha has been designated as a transition area where intensive livestock farming is making way for something new. We therefore consider the location at Wapse to be a prototype for a possible new land use. If we use 800,000 hectares to realize 1 million homes, it is possible with an extremely low density of 1.25 homes per hectare.

The 10th edition of the Architecture Biennale Rotterdam takes place from 22 September - 13 November 2022.

TPDVSP ministerie van maak model1